Monday 23 January 2012

Out of Office - Back on Wednesday

Hi all,

Sorry that I haven't been online. Polly Pocket is leaving tomorrow, and we're finding it more difficult than we thought. I don't want to moan about it, yet can't thing of a topic for an upbeat post. So I'm going to leave it until Wednesday.

Thanks guys x


  1. Oh Christine!

    that has to be very hard. Sending you lots of hugs and prayers!


  2. That's wonderful of you guys to have been fostering for that long. I'm sorry you're having to say goodbye though.

  3. I can't imagine how hard that must be. I'm sending up some prayers for you all.

  4. Nice information here, I would like to share with you all my experience trying to get a loan to expand my Clothing Business here in Malaysia. It was really hard on my business going down due to my little short time illness then when I got heal I needed a fund to set it up again for me to begin so I came across Mr Benjamin a loan consultant officer at Funding Service He asked me of my business project and I told him i already owned One and i just needed loan of 200,000.00 USD he gave me form to fill and I did also he asked me of my Valid ID in few days They did the transfer and my loan was granted. I really want to appreciate their effort and also try to get this to anyone looking for business loans or other financial issues to Contact Mr, Benjamin Email: He is also available on WhatsApp Contact:+1-9893943740.
